Overcoming Roadblocks to Reading with the Reading On Rails Tutoring Program

by | May 26, 2023 | About Reading Curriculum, All Articles, For Adult Learners, For Moms & Dads, For Teachers

Reading is a fundamental skill that forms the basis for learning and academic success. However, many students encounter roadblocks that impede their progress in reading, leading to difficulties with fluency, comprehension, and accuracy. The Reading On Rails tutoring program is specifically designed to address all typical roadblocks that students may face, providing effective solutions to support their reading development. Let’s explore how the program tackles specific challenges such as b-d confusion, skipping letters, inserting letters, ignoring endings, ignoring vowels, consonant blend issues, “vowel team” confusion, slow reading/low fluency, and low comprehension.

How Reading On Rails tackles common roadblocks

  1. Resolving Letter Confusion and Recognition: The Reading On Rails program effectively addresses common letter confusion issues, such as b-d confusion, through engaging techniques and visual aids. By providing targeted practice and multisensory exercises, the program helps students differentiate between similar letters, improving their letter recognition accuracy.
  2. Enhancing Phonics and Word Recognition: Skipping letters, inserting letters, and ignoring endings are roadblocks that hinder word decoding skills. The Reading On Rails program employs systematic phonics instruction and explicit teaching of word patterns to improve phonemic awareness. By focusing on blending, segmenting, and word analysis, students develop strong decoding skills, overcoming these challenges.
  3. Nurturing Vowel Proficiency: Ignoring vowels and struggling with vowel teams can significantly impact reading fluency and comprehension. The Reading On Rails program dedicates specific attention to addressing these issues. By employing strategies and practice exercises that reinforce vowel recognition and teach vowel team rules and patterns, students improve their proficiency in working with vowels, leading to enhanced fluency and comprehension.
  4. Mastering Consonant Blends: Consonant blend issues, another common roadblock, can hinder both reading accuracy and fluency. The Reading On Rails program provides targeted instruction and practice opportunities to help students master consonant blends. Through explicit teaching, modeling, and guided practice, students develop proficiency in blending sounds and reading words with consonant blends effortlessly.
  5. Building Fluency and Comprehension: Slow reading, low fluency, and low comprehension are challenges that many students face. The Reading On Rails program addresses these roadblocks by incorporating strategies such as repeated reading, timed reading, and guided comprehension activities. By providing scaffolded support and targeted practice, the program helps students improve reading fluency, increase reading speed, and enhance their understanding of the text.

“Reading is a skill that unlocks the doors to all other learning. Overcoming common roadblocks in reading is essential to opening those doors.”


The Reading On Rails tutoring program offers a comprehensive approach to address all typical roadblocks encountered in reading. From letter confusion and word recognition difficulties to vowel proficiency, consonant blends, and overall fluency and comprehension, the program equips students with the necessary skills and strategies to become confident, proficient readers. Through personalized instruction and engaging activities, the Reading On Rails program empowers students to overcome these obstacles, unlocking the door to successful reading and academic achievement.


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