Autism, ADHD, & Dyslexia
I am highly skeptical of these terms. To the extent that these phenomena are real, the children diagnosed with them occupy points on continua...
Recognizing Letter-Name Mistakes And Stopping Them
The Legacy of Kindergarten Letter-Name Drill Letter-name mistakes are causing frequent spelling errors and word mispronunciations throughout first...
Solving The 13th Reading Problem
I'm about to describe a comprehension improvement strategy, but we also need to look at the cause of the associated comprehension problem. I'm sure...
Do’s and Don’ts
Welcome. As you may know, the quality of reading instruction across the U.S. is uneven, so it’s a good idea to get involved. The article here is...
Guiding Your Child To Literacy
Some of you are here for a set of tips mentioned on a card, but this article begins with an introduction that includes a true story about two...
Combatting Inattention
When students in both groups were ranked such that the best Rails student could be compared to the best control student and the second best Rails...